What is Summit Youth? This is a youth group, or youth ministry, that is religious and age-specific. It caters towards getting youth, typically ages 12-18, involved in faith-based activities and spiritual awakening. This group includes everyone in high school.
Why is the Summit Youth Group Important? For the body of Christ to grow, meaning the believers, it is necessary to start with the future of the church—the youth. The goal is to teach young people within the church to continue trusting and growing in their relationship with God. This experience will propel them to be faithful to Christ in all they do as they get older. The church itself flourishes in this way, along with the congregation.
Benefits of Summit Youth Group: Outside of the obvious opportunity for fellowship that comes with joining a youth group, there are several crucial benefits to participation in the ministry.
Discipleship: By joining a youth ministry, the leaders and mentors work together to build discipleship. Through participation in worship, reading and studying the Bible, and outside mission work, young people will develop a sense of pride. Knowing God and committing themselves to service will inevitably bear good fruit.
There aren’t any strict requirements to be a member of the church. Certain members of the group and those looking for a church home may not have fully accepted the faith. The point of the group is to encourage development whereby you can see the growth for yourself and can take the initiative to go out and invite others to join the meeting.
Church youth groups bridge the gap between the younger and the older generations, passing the torch, so to speak. By contributing to the church and engaging with the other adults there, the youth feel important, involved, and cared for. Eventually, those future positions as deacons, pastors, ushers, choir members, etc., will be filled by them! As time progresses, they’ll be able to see themselves as future workers for Christ.