About Us
Our name comes from 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 & we believe that it represents what God has called us to be and do;
– God has made reconciliation with Him possible for ALL people through faith in Jesus.
– Those who put their faith in Jesus are transformed into new creations in Christ.
– Our transformation results in a re-orientation from self-serving to serving Christ.
– Our transformation also results in a transformed view of all people, valuing all people.
– God gives us His reconciled ones, the ministry and the message of reconciliation
– That God wants to reconcile the world to Himself through Jesus.
– God is making His appeal to the world through us as we proclaim the gospel about Jesus imploring people to be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus.
– We are to take this message to all people.
– Reconciliation to God requires reconciliation between ourselves and others, thus leading to healing divisions and hurt resulting from the fall and sin. The word ‘road’ in our name emphasises that;
• That our reconciliation with God is both instant (saved in an instant/on the road)
• And that we are all on a journey that’s never over but progresses
• That living for Jesus & His mission results in movement, adventure, a journey
• God has made us His ambassadors whose message is to invite other people onto this journey of being reconciled to God
• We value all people and believe that being reconciled to others is also a journey. Although it can take time, it is a road that God has laid out for us to follow
• We believe we are called to be a people & a place of reconciliation